Powershell IP Changes Static/DHCP

Recently, a Windows 10 computer I was working on would not allow me to change any network setting from the GUI.  I needed to change to a static IP address from DHCP to do some maintenance.  I also needed to add a secondary IP address.  How did I do this?  The step are below and may come in handy to someone else.

Set IP Address to Static from Powershell

  1. Disable DHCP
    Open PowerShell

    (note) review the output from the above command to get the Interface Name
    Get-NetAdapter –Name Ethernet
    Set-NetIPInterface -DHCP Disable

  2. Set IP Address

    New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 –InterfaceAlias “Ethernet” -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -Type Unicast -DefaultGateway

    (note) -IPAddress change to the IP Address you want to assign

    (note) –PrefixLength is the Mask -24 is

    (note) –DefaultGateway change to the gateway for your network
    Set Static DNS Servers

    Primary:               netsh interface ip add dns name="Ethernet" addr= index=1
    Secondary:         netsh interface ip add dns name="Ethernet" addr= index=2
    Tertiary:               netsh interface ip add dns name="Ethernet" addr= index=3

  3. Add Secondary IP Address (If you want to add another IP Address to your interface)
    netsh interface ipv4 add address name=Ethernet mask=

Set DHCP from Powershell

  1. Enable DHCP

    Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet
    Set-NetIPInterface -DHCP Enable
    netsh interface ip set dns name="Ethernet" dhcp

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